Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Another exciting event this term was our Market Day. This was part of our Financial Literacy topic and involved students researching, designing and manufacturing a product to sell at the senior school Market Day.
Students spent most of the term doing jobs around the classroom and were paid each week using our school money (also designed by a student).
They could then use this money to buy items from all the classes stalls.
The final step was to work out the profit they made once expenses and the money float they were given was deducted.

Our winning group with the biggest profit were the Loopy Loombanders - congratulations Katja, Aminah, Rachel and Nathania!

A huge thank you to all the families who came to the student led conferences on Wednesday. It was lovely to be able to share with you all the great learning your children are doing and the progress they are making.
The one thing I was asked during every interview was, 'how can we help at home?' The steps we discussed will only strengthen and support your child's learning. Thank you for all this extra work you are doing with your child.
I hope you had the opportunity to view the Art Exhibition in the Hall afterwards. It never ceases to amaze me how talented all of our students are!
Congratulations Danielle for being such a wonderful self manager. You always use initiative to organise your own learning and finish work independently.
Congratulations Naaser on getting a merit award at our Senior Assembly for all the great work you do in Maths. Your basic fact knowledge is fantastic, which supports all your strategy work.
A new part of the speech competition this year has been a focus on two new categories - spoken word and rap.
As an introduction to both, students composed a 'spoken word' piece of writing that they then had to read to a beat.
They did this with a partner and then used a programme on the chrome books to design a beat to go with it.